This IoT solution is obtained with this new board named “SPUC”, reading Watermark sensors, connected to Arduino transmitting boards :  MKR GSM, LoRa and SigFox.

189,00 210,00  HT


This solution IoT, is obtained with this new board named “SPUC”, reading 4 Watermark sensors, on 1 measuring site

The SPUC easily connects to Arduino transmitting boards :  MKR GSM, LoRa and SigFox. Agronomic reminder : a minimum of 3 sites is required per field for irrigation management, to adress the heterogeneity of water in irrigated soils.

Learn more about Watermark sensors

Caracteristics :

  • 1 input for temperature sensor.
  • 4 inputs for Watermark sensors.
  • 1 input for external battery 5V to 12V.
  • UART serial communication.
  • Consumption of 800µA max, while reading sensors.
  • Automatic  sleep mode, consuming 20µA.

Agronomic reminder : a minimum of 3 sites is required per field for irrigaion management, to adress the heterogeneity of water in irrigated soils.

SPUC interfacing with Arduino

SPUC is designed to plug directly the Arduino MKR boards, such as MKR WiFi 1010, MKR GSM 1400, MKR WAN 1300 (LoRa) and MKR FOX 1200.

The UART port, fonctionning beetween 3.3V and 5V, allows compatibility with many Iot solutions on the market.

Power supply

SPUC is directly powered by its mother board, for example by the Arduino MKR board, or other IoT solutions, beetween 3.3V and 5V.

A power supply connector allows an external battery to power both SPUC + Arduino MKR.

UART settings, to comunicate with SPUC :

  • 2400 bauds
  • 8 bits of data
  • no parity bit
  • 1 stop bit
  • no flow control

Reading sensors

The mother board must send a command ‘s’ (snapshot).

SPUC answers in hexadecimal  : 0001,FE,2480,03A6,FFFE,FFFE

First is ID, second is soil temperature in Fahrenheit, then 4  Watermark sensors in Ohms.

Those values are easily convertible in other units. Examples are given in our tuto.

Additional information

Type de carte

GSM, Lora, SigFox