ici automaticaly measures, displays, stores tensiometric measurements of Watermark sensors, rain gauge, watermeter. Re-programmable with IR2 soft, via mini USB.

Data .csv files can be uploaded from micro SD to web account, to get graphs and advises on line.

Monitor R2-DL

Monitor R2-DL Fabrication 100 % française Carte électronique et logiciels 100 % conçus, fabriqués, réalisés par nos soins Description rapide Data logger Fonction Enregistrement automatique des données sur carte microSD Prix HT 425 € Mesures capteurs WATERMARK® température 16 en standard, max 32 entrées Pluviomètre et compteur d’eau oui, 2 max Connecteur rapide oui, permet […]
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

6 AA batteries

You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Stake for Monitor on annual crop

PVC tube ballasted with sand, with adequate hanging screw. To be set vertically, 50 cm in the soil, to get a good stability. Hole made with the same installing auger.
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Wooden pole (for perennial crops)

Wooden pole - 2 m- included in our field service "all inclusive". In case of shipment, the pole comes in 2 pieces to be assembled.
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Pack of Watermark sensors


Nous fabriquons ces packs dans notre atelier, afin d'adapter l'instrumentation à la situation de terrain rencontrée. Montés sur connecteur rapide CPC, ils sont constitués d'une sonde de température de sol, de 3 paires de sondes Watermark, et d'une sonde de température de l'air.

Les 6 sondes Watermark sont collées-rivetées sur tube en PVC tendre, que nous rétreignons en double diamètre, pour assurer un contact parfait avec le sol.

Chaque paire de sonde Watermark est reliée au connecteur par câble blindé, respectivement d'une longueur de 6m, 6m et 14 m, ce qui permet d'assurer au champ les 3 répétitions minimales x 2 profondeurs, nécessaires pour s'adapter à l'hétérogénéité de structure classique en sol cultivé ainsi que l'hétérogénéité de répartition de l'eau intrinsèque aux différents modes d'irrigation : submersion, irrigation à la raie, irrigation par aspersion, micro-irrigation, irrigation au goutte-à-goutte.

Les sondes Watermark mesurent la tension de l'eau sur une gamme de 0 à 239 cb, permettant le pilotage d'irrigation sur quasi toutes situations de culture, climat, sol.

Nous testons et réparons les packs en atelier, ce qui permet de les remettre à neuf et leur donner une seconde vie, à moindre frais.

You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Spiral auger


Special spiral auger 25/22 mm, to prepare the sensor installation

Without disturbing the soil and without damaging the sensor
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

On-line tensiometric graph

Access to your account on Challenge Agriculture plateform. View on your computer, smartphone, tablet... your tensiometric graphs, pluviometer, watermeter, Watch the real-time videos of wet bulb imaging. Read the weekly irrigation advise and exchange through the dialog box.
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

MicroSD card carrier

You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

MicroSD Card

You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

USB cable / mini USB

You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Tipping bucket rain gauge

Tipping bucket rain gauge, with anti-bird spikes , cable and connector.
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Telescopic rod for rain gauge

To be intalled 50 cm deep in the soil. Allows the pluviometer to stand beetween 0.8 m and 2.60 m above the soil. A perfect vertical position is the condition for a good precision of the measure. Perfect verticality is obtained with a buble level magnetized, stuck on the auger making the vertical hole in the soil.
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!


Water counter, with adapted fittings, in a stainless steel box Mecanically displays volumes. Equiped with a reed switch, connected to Monitor, for counting. 2 versions : 1L or 10L par pulse, according to field configuration. Allows to control the irrigated volumes display on the on-line graph. The data is expressed in the adapted agronomic unit: liter, liter per dripper, liter per tree, liter per hectare or irrigation duration.
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Installation of equipment


Installation is a complete service including

  • tecnico-economical choice on what field should be equiped
  • agronomic approach on positionning in each field
  • agronomic approach on depth of sensors in rooting zone
  • positionning under irrigation equipments : gun, sprinkler, drip, fload ..
  • installation of eqipments : ici, sensors, pluviometer, watermeter ...
  • open internet on-line account to follow graphs and advises
  • travelling costs included
You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

Weekly advice

You can choose a minimum quantity of 1 and a maximum quantity of 99 for this product!

From 870,00 


Monitor R2-DL
100 % made in France Hardware and software 100 % designed, and realized by ourselves and our partners in France.
Description Data logger
Fonction Automaticaly registers data on microSD
Prix HT 425 €
Watermark 16 inputs in standard, extendable to 32 inputs for Watermark sensors, temperature
Rain gauge / water  meter 2 max
Quick disconnect allows connect different packs. See packs
LCD display the screen allows display data and status
Automatic registering oui
Back up on microSD oui
USB interface oui
UART interface oui, can interface with other equipments
 Source / voltage 6 piles AA 1,5 V (9 V)
Shut down voltage alert @ 6.5 V and cut-off @ 5 V
Autonomy 16 months
 Reduced conso  oui
Autonomy/solar panel no
Telemetry no, see Monitor R2-DX
Upload data on-line oui, possible to manualy send data, connecting on-line
Graph on line oui, identical service
Irrigation thresholds yes, possible on graphs
Imaging of drip bulb This technique needs transmission with R2-DX to get the real-time video
Technical advise in dialog box yes, weekly advise is possible